Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Prank at the Zoo

This Halloween, my employees at the San Diego Zoo decided to play a little prank on me. They replaced all the demos that we have displayed at our booths; normally with kids and zoo animals with variations of myself. I was very surprised and honored even though there were quite a few confused guests, but luckily the merchandise staff was very amused.


linz said...

I don't see Lady Gaga.

Will Terrell said...

That's awesome Mez! I would be cracking up.

Art of Jared said...

Ha! Thats funny, they Mezzed up your wall.

Oscar said...

Good Lord!

WonderGirl said...

That is so cute Steve-o! Your staff must really adore you! But yes, indeed, a Lady Gaga would have been most fine!